Python : Packaging

This post explains how python packaging works and shows how simple it is organise modules as packages. Python’s approach of packaging is much neater and simpler than most of other programming languages where Class Path is important. This post will provide necessary basics about how packaging works in Python.

Any file with extension .py is a module and any folder that contains multiple modules is called a python package.

In our previous post we created two handy modules ( and which can be packaged for reuse. With out packaging and using it as a top level module is a risk on bigger projects as it can create name conflicts. So let us make these modules as part of a package called “stocker”.

As a first step of packaging let us create a new folder called “stocker”, it will be our package name. Let us copy and into this folder. In addition we need to create a file inside the folder to mark it as a package.

Now let us try to access this package from another file .

Let us start with csvreader

import stocker.csvreader


[{'Shares': 100, 'Date': '7/11/2007', 'Name': 'HPQ', 'Price': 32.2}, {'Shares': 50, 'Date': '7/12/2007', 'Name': 'IBM', 'Price': 91.9}, {'Shares': 150, 'Date': '7/13/2007', 'Name': 'GE', 'Price': 83.44}, {'Shares': 200, 'Date': '7/14/2007', ...

So it worked well !

Now let us try to use portfolio module to calculate top valued stock as shown below. Remember that portfolio.csv internally imports csvreader which is also part of this package.

import stocker.csvreader
import stocker.portfolio # this fails

import csvreader ImportError: No module named 'csvreader'

The issue happening here is, Python when importing portfolio is looking to load csvreader. Python consider’s csvreader as a toplevel module and looks for it in toplevel module path and fails. In order to solve this we have to specify from where to import csvreader. It can be resolved by updating import statement of csvreader in as follows..

from . import csvreader

import glob
import os
import csv
import json
import pprint
import requests
import itertools
from . import csvreader

def get_portfolio_as_dict(path):
    pattern = '*.csv'
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path,pattern))
    portfolios = []
    for file in files:
        for row in csvreader.read_csv(file,[str, str, int, float]):
    return portfolios

This is an important step to be taken when creating packages. Another advantage of using ‘.’ is that it is not tied to the package name. So even if package name changed it should work well. ! Now let us dwell into another file we created is called as package initializer and it gets executed before loading any modules in the package. So we can use to do some initialization before any other modules in package gets loaded. It is widely used to lift symbols from submodules up a level and abstract the implementation details. So in our let us lift symbols in modules in package as follows.

from .csvreader import read_csv
from .portfolio import get_top_portfolio

Now we can import the package and use read_csv and get_top_portfolio as shown below. So we can abstract our core API’s behind the package name.


import stocker


Coding is fun enjoy…